
The Dharmavana Nature Ark is most grateful to all its donors and particularly those listed here who have supported us with contributions in excess of US$10,000 (and many times that in most cases as ranked below). Our continued growth and development is a testament to your goodwill, and to so many others not listed here but who have helped out along the way through the years. Near and far, you all are remembered!
Dharmavana Nature Ark has FCRA approval and is registered as a charitable non-profit society under Section 12A(a) of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961. Donations are eligible for 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961. We are registered under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act 2001 vide registration no. 1466 of 2004 est. 2005. CSR Registration no.: CSR00016453

  • Malaxmi Group, Hyderabad.
  • S M Sehgal Foundation
  • Founded in 1999, S M Sehgal Foundation (Sehgal Foundation) is a public charitable trust in India (a rural, grassroots implementing NGO) that operates in about 1,000 villages across ten states, reaching more than 2.5 million people, and counting. Sehgal Foundation's mission is to achieve positive social, economic, and environmental change across rural India by addressing critical issues concerning food security, water security, good rural governance and information asymmetry, with a focus on the empowerment of women and children.
    For more details please visit:

  • J.T. Stephens and Family
  • Tim R. Collins and Family
  • Barbara and Ted Dürr & Family
  • Drs. Krishna and Nilima Jayaraman & Family
  • NISC Export Services Pvt. Ltd. (NES)
  • NISC (Pty) Ltd.
  • India Development and Relief Fund
  • India Development Coalition of America
  • Species of the Day    List 
    Madhuca indica
    Madhuca indica    more